A pepper grinder containing an unlimited supply of pepper unless opened, at which point it becomes half empty.A sponge that can absorb 60 gallons of ale (and only ale).A wooden device designed to be gripped in two hands two levers protrude from the top, and two triggers from the underside.
An ornate pewter tankard made without a bottom.A flat disc of layered metal and prismatic glass with a hole in the centre.A crystal prism that refracts shadow instead of light.A hunk of metal which appears to be several gears jammed together at unnatural and impossible angles: attempting to turn it causes it to emit a horrible shrieking sound.An empty whiskey tumbler that causes any liquid poured into it to become bourbon.A small hand-sized box covered with numbered buttons.A wire circlet that bestows upon its wearer perfect posture.A clear glass dish with four round notches around the outside edge.
Illustrated instructions on how to make a paper hat. A doll head with no hair and poorly applied makeup. A small glass vial holding three eyelashes. A ticket admitting an adult and child onto a thing called a "semiotic tram".
A penny whistle that plays the same note no matter which holes are covered. A letter of complaint to a toy shop owner. A tiny bubble level that is calibrated incorrectly. One piece of unknown paper currency with no obvious denomination. A seashell that is silent when held up to your ear. A measuring tape, marked in ink at 23 inches. A pair of badly worn hairdressing scissors. A puzzle box holding 10 fingernail clippings. A thimble on which is an enamel painting of a turtle. A ring carved with the unfinished insignia to a defunct secret organization. A bronze ring engraved with dark symbols that was supposedly buried with a legendary necromancer long ago. A translucent coin, minted in an unknown land. A goblin-made key that can lock any door, but unlock none. A floating glass orb that follows you around and makes whirring sounds. A harmless stage dagger with retracting blade and blood-compartment. A set of cosmetic tools for cleaning the ears. Two false fingernails painted with mysterious symbols. Six useless wooden tokens previously issued by a traitor-prince as currency. A slightly out of date guidebook to foreign inns, taverns, and transportation. A small handbook of foreign coins, for travelers to identify denominations. A sliver from a spear said to have pierced the armpit of a saint. A bundle of ragged "treasure maps" drawn by inventive local children. A glass globe of swirling green goop, no openings. A ring with a poison reservoir for slipping into drinks and a tiny razor edge for cutting purse-strings. Pages ripped out of an accounting journal of a local merchant.
An intricate knot that nobody seems to know how to tie or untie – sailors believe it to be bad luck. A torn page on which is written "Death! / Plop. An invitation to a formal ball to be held in two years time. A small bar of orichalcum, a metal only mentioned in ancient literature. A travel set of paints: someone has used up all the black. A square of ironsilk sewn by the geargrubs of ancient Siclari. A map of a labyrinth, on which is penciled a line that starts at the centre but fails to connect to the entrance. A bronze gear on which is etched the word "Moon". A fossil of an extinct many-limbed critter. An echo pearl from the depths of the Vibration Lake. A keychain holding the head of a broken key. A scrap of paper on which is written, in Goblin, "My dearest Bess,". A glowing blue-green line, six inches long, but with no discernible radius. A dried sky lily, from the tip of the Godshead, an impossibly high mountain. A blob of grey goo, slippy but safe to touch, kept in a ceramic pot. A palm-sized iron cage: the door doesn't shut properly, as the tiny lock was broken from the inside. A cut yellow chrysanthemum that never dies. A sheet of vellum on which is crudely painted a herbal plant that you have yet to identify. A square of bear-beetle leather, a creature unique to the misty woods of Cix. A ceramic puzzle cube, with each face divided into four independently rotating squares enameled with astronomical signs. A solid blue metal sphere, one inch in diameter, with three parallel grooves around the circumference. A bronze box containing a tiny wooden owl. If you want to exceed 100 items on the list, just begin a new one. Per the PHB, trinkets can be "lightly touched by mystery": they can be mundane or have very minor magical effects.
The description should be a single sentence. To add a trinket, add its description to the numbered list below. Trinket Box by Judith Alsop Miles, on Flickr